Facebook Movie Oscars 2014

For a long time the Social Network movie has been the daddy of Facebook Oscars which turned out to win 3 out 5 Oscars which is pretty good. Really it is good but I would've preferred it more if Facebook was created by Christian Bale (Batman) instead of Andrew Garfield (The Amazing Spiderman), at least in the movie. Should have thought that one before.. 

Anyways, Facebook has released a new feature which lets you create a mini-movie of yourself from the time you joined showing off your popular status and photos to today. You don't have to do anything, the movie automatically creates it for you. You can view your movie here.

My timeline was filled with Facebook movies on the first day and after checking out a few most of them looked cheesy though I don't blame you. First time actors suck all the time. It's alright to be ashamed. :)

I checked my movie, the cast was awesome but the director sucked. My 8 year old can make a better movie. True story. 

Yet, the question remains.. Who gets the Oscar? Definitely the director's not getting any credits, but without the director most of you lazy-asses wouldn't even have a Facebook movie.

So the Oscar for the Best Facebook Movie 2014 goes to...*drumroll*



Audience Cheering & Clapping..Oh look, Jay Z!

*audience starts clapping*
*tears start coming out of the guy's eyes*
*guys high5's everyone on his way to stage*
*picks up Oscar*
*clears throat*

The Guy collecting his Oscar Award, isn't he a bit too old to be on Facebook?

First of all I'd like to thanks my parents for providing me with internet and a smartphone to be on Facebook 24/7 (Say WHAAT? 83 and your parents still are paying for your internet?!) , secondly I would like to thank Facebook for the awesome directing they did. *cough*Not*cough* and I would like to thank my arms for always being by my side, my legs for always supporting me and my fingers because I can always count on them and finally to you all for wasting 1 minute of your lives to check out my Facebook movie, means a lot to me guys. *breaks down in tears*

*Audience claps once more and cheers*

*Guy gets a heart attack and dies* 

So guess this means no one wins Facebook Movie Oscar of this year. Damn. 

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