Top 5 Offline Split Screen Games for Xbox 360

You gotta admit playing with a person next to you in real life is more fun & easier than playing solo or with random strangers online that keep cussing you every time you do something wrong. All you need are two controllers & someone to play with. What's best about Offline split screen games is that you don't need Live membership to play so when your Xbox Live membership runs out, you won't have any need to panic. Here in this article I will be discussing popular Top 5 Offline Split Screen Games for Xbox 360 you can play at the comfort of your own home without the need for any internet connection but just a 2nd controller. 

Don't forget to comment what are your favorite split screen games!

#1 - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

If you're a true hardcore gamer than you must've obviously played any of the Call of Duty Modern Warfare Games. Modern Warfare 3 offers the best Offline split screen experience as compared to any of the other Call of Duty games. You get to pick whether to do missions or the survival mode, which is the best thing about Modern Warfare 3. I remember when I first bought MW3 2 years ago , I spent countless hours playing survival mode & completing missions on each difficulty. I STILL play MW3 even now occasionally. No matter how much you play MW3's survival mode, you'll never get bored and it's more easier to survive with a friend than on your own as in co-op mode you won't die instantly but have chance to be revived by a team mate which is pretty useful.

If you want a fun & lasting split screen game to play with someone then this is the game for you!

#2 - FIFA 15

Doesn't matter whether people like football or not, they all love to play FIFA. FIFA is a game that would turn you into a football maniac in no time. If you're one of those people who think FIFA suck then you've probably never played it or just bad at it. There's not a single person I've met who owns an Xbox & doesn't play FIFA at the same time. I could go on but to understand why this game is great you gotta play it first. By playing it, I mean play it with a friend. 

If you're not a fan of football don't worry so wasn't I but after I started playing FIFA I automatically become a fan.

#3 - Resident Evil 5 & 6

One of my favorite series I automatically became a fan after playing Resident Evil 4 on my PS2 and was so excited for Resident Evil 5's release. When I bought the game for my Xbox 360 and realized it contains split screen mode for campaign, decided to invite my friend over to play with me and we ended up doing the whole campaign together which was very fun & much better than doing it with an online stranger or doing it solo. If you've played Resident Evil 4 like me in which the Protagonist was Leon Kennedy, then you must definetly also try out Resident Evil 6 in which one of the main protagonist is Leon Kennedy & the game also offers split screen mode for campaign so you and your friends can finish the missions together.

RE4 & RE5 are both games worth buying & completing with your friends for a much better experience.

#4 - Black Ops 1 & 2

Black Ops 1 & 2 is mostly famous for it's zombie mode which is fun to play with friends on split screen mode. You might find the game complicated at first but as you play you'll get the hang of it and want to keep playing & playing to go further. Zombie mode in Black Ops 1 & 2 is extremely hard so don't bother doing them solo unless you've a death wish. The more players you have, the more merrier as the rounds get difficult as you progress. What's frustrating about Black Ops 1 zombie mode is that you have to start from all over again after you die & keep redoing the basic rounds to get to the higher rounds which you'll get tired of doing obviously but in Black Ops 2 they eliminated the problem by allowing you to choose a round to start with which is an awesome feature.

Although I didn't like Black Ops 1 & 2 storyline, the zombie mode was awesome so if you want to kick zombie ass with your friends, this is the game for you.

#5 - Halo 3

The reason I switched from PS2 to Xbox 360 7 years ago was because of this game. This is the game where it all started for me, although it's split screen might not rock that much the storyline did but if you're an gamer you must also probably be a fan of the Halo series if not, start with Halo 3. Apart from it's awesome campaign mode, it also offers great Multiplayer and if you don't have Xbox Live don't worry you can play a split screen match offline.

If you get bored you can switch the modes as it offers many modes such as capture the flag, free for all etc.

