Top 5 Fantasy Worlds

If you're a great fan of tv shows and cinema, then you must already be familiar with the many fantasy worlds, if not then you've been watching the wrong channels. Cinema is a huge part of our lives, it helps divert attention from the real world and makes us feel like we're in another world. There are some worlds that you wish existed in real life although careful what you wish for, because if some of them did we'd be pretty much screwed. 

Here in this article, written by Abdul Samad we will be discussing the Top 5 Fantasy Worlds. Do leave your comments on what your Fantasy World is and why.

#1 Westeros - Game of Thrones

Well, who doesn’t know about Game of Thrones and its morbid world. This EPIC fantasy world created by George R.R Martin where danger lurks around every corner, scheming and plotting is a common place thing, deception and treachery of Westerosi’s knows no bound and people die on a daily basis (even being a main character doesn’t help your case here). Really, this place isn’t for the faint-hearted. Westeros, commonly known as the seven kingdoms is a big continent, shrouded in mystery; on its border are several other continents, most popular among them being Essos. This fantasy world is very similar to ours, in terms of landscape. It has everything from seas, to rivers, to mountains, to deserts to cultivated lands. Anything, you name it, it’s there. The setting is just as realistic, where at places one could see the poverty and feel sorry for people living there on the other hand one could expect to be left dumb struck at the beauty of all the lavishly decorated castles. FUN FACT, if you are not a high born then you are probably going to starve to death. I know, it is hell for normal folk there because Lannisters don’t give alms (after all, how else do you expect them to pay for all those debts?!). Formerly, ruled by the Baratheon family, Westeros is now under the control of The LANISSTERS. However, they have failed to reign peacefully as everybody in Westeros thinks that they are userper and don’t have  the rightful claim. Hence, all the eight noble families fight for the Iron Throne and in the process end up destroying each other. And like any other war there is always collateral damage and innocent people get killed (lot’s of them being favorite characters) *Tries not to sob*. Struggle for power; another very ‘this world’ thing. No, I am not comparing Westeros to our world. Because that would be a grave, very unforgivable, and most likely a FATAL mistake!! THIS OH SO EPIC WORLD, trust me, is unlike anything you’ve seen before. It has DRAGONS, GIANTS, BLACK MAGIC, and GOLDEN HANDS! I mean, how awesome is that?!! 

As if that wasn’t enough, George R.R Martin has blessed us with White Walkers beyond the Wall, who are essentially, zombies with magic! Do I really need to go on?! The drama is portrayed brilliantly. I advice you should watch it, that is if you haven’t already. Just beware of the very vivid gory imagery that could leave you frozen under their spell. And oh, there will be that, lots of it, thanks to all the macabre events that fill this world. But it’s just this raw appeal of this continent that makes it one of the best fantasy worlds out there. P.S. I double dare you to try and resist the cryptic allure of Westeros.

#2 Narnia - The Chronicles of Narnia

Show me a person who doesn’t know about Narnia and I’ll show you a person who has had a rather boring childhood. Chronicles of Narnia! Who hasn’t watched it on star movies? They air it so often that one can rightly assume that it might even be their favorite movie series. It is a mystical world, probably the only one which was created by a lion and has been mostly under the control of animals apart from a cruel scary WHITE WITCH. It is one great big country bordering on an ocean and a country of MEN the Archeland. It is not really magical, just plain mountains and vast lands, nothing interesting. No wonder, the main focus of this fantasy series remains the Narnian land. In Narnia you will find all sorts of animals interacting with each other, having normal conversations, working ordinary jobs, basically, living a very ‘human’ life. Luckily, if you are a teenager or still a kid there still might be a chance for you to escape to this world and be a part of it, because as it happens adults can’t go to Narnia. Weird no?! But what else could we expect from a world where magic can be seen and felt in every corner, that has no lack of mythical beasts and magical creatures what so ever, where it is a better idea to learn swordsmanship from a mouse than a soldier, also, believing a beautiful queen could prove more fatal than putting your trust in a lion and where children (who happen to be destined to rule it) enter through *drum roll, please* A WADROBE! 

The country of Narnia itself is a very peaceful and a rather pretty place, with lots of mountains, volcanoes, large forests, a mighty river and a breath taking ocean view. But when a country happens to be this appealing, it’s only natural that evil creatures from other lands would try to invade it. Though, Narnia is not my typical favorite world, but every once in a while even I would fancy a vacation over there.

#3 Land of Oz - The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

Wicked witches, All-Powerful wizards, Fire-breathing dragons, mischievous winged monkeys and enchanted slippers, if words like these excite you then I’ve got just the right fantasy world for you. The magical and mighty Land of Oz. A mystical place ruled by witches, where animals talk, one never ages or dies, where elves, gargoyles, yellow- skinned people or even humans carrying their brains in cans are a usual sight. This vast kingdom is divided into four countries, each distinctly unique and fascinating in its own right, surrounded by a deadly desert which cut’s this land off from the outside world. Where at one place in Munchkin country, one would expect to find unicorns and islands made purely out of gems, on the other hand, the Winkie country is adorned by a magical truth pond which leaves anyone who bathes in it uttering truth for the rest of their lives. And my personal favorite Gillikin country, is basically the realization of every kid’s dream, it not only has walking-talking cartoons living in Loonville but also a town named Candy country where all types of sweets, cakes, marshmallows, in short, everything good is grown on the ground. Quadling country is no less than the others as it houses the towns of Bunbury and Bunnybury, one dedicated for people made from baked goods (yum) and the other, well, for bunnies. Yet, the most worth mentioning place of this odd yet captivating land is its capital, The Emerald City. It is what its name suggests; it’s as green as an emerald. Everything in the city is green; the people, their clothes, their buildings, their food. Every tiny little thing! Even the gates and the palace of the wonderful wizard is green. 

There is only one rather peculiar thing that happens when you enter the city. You are supposed to wear green shades for no apparent reason. The truths, those green glasses you wear are the reason the city looks green as an emerald. In reality, it’s not. Incredible isn’t it? Such is the magic of the utterly weird but enchanting Land of Oz.

#4 Hogwarts - Harry Potter 

If you were born on 1997 like me, that is the year Harry Potter came to life. When JK Rowling was waiting for a train that did not arrive on time and suddenly she thought of Harry Potter (credits go to that train) which is now one of the bestselling novels and also the bestselling movie series with highest grossing revenue over the whole world which is pretty impressive. I don't believe there is anyone in this world that hates Harry Potter because everyone that watches the series automatically becomes a potterhead, I would say it is one of the best series I've watched. If you were a person with memory disorder, this is the kind of movie that would make you keep falling in love with the movie over and over again. Lets discuss about Hogwarts now. Full name is Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizadry is a school for magic for students between 12 to 18. A fun fact: Although it is a fictional institution, it was rated 36th among the best scottish educational institutes in a online poll outranking many real institutions. Hogwarts is a complex scary looking school from the outside with several towers, I pretty much doubt it was built by hands but by magic obviously. The school has spells embed to it which makes it impossible for muggles to see it so if they were to somehow reach Hogwarts they would see only ruins and warning signs. The school has beautiful greenery with a large quidditch pitch and a large forest called the Forbidden Forest, which you would definetly not want to go in alone as there is a big violent talking tree there. Also muggle electronic equipments do not work inside the school except the radio, which in the movies is powered by Magic not electricity apparently. To get admission in Hogwarts depends on luck, not on how intelligent you are. Those who possess magic ability will be given a chance to join Hogwarts, so no admission test. There is also a housing system, which the magic talking hat known as " Sorting Hat " chooses the appropriate house for you. There are 4 houses named after their founders. Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, Rowena Ravenclaw and Helga Hufflepuff. Each house also have a quidditch time which they have to compete for the Quidditch cup. 

Aslong as there is no Voldemort or any super villian trying to sabotage the school, I'd definetly wanna attend Hogwarts but too bad it doesn't exist or maybe it just doesn't exist for us because we're muggles. Mind=blown. 

#5 Middle Earth - Lord of the Rings

If you've seen the movies or read the novel, then you're probably thinking this is a world you wouldn't want to exist because there's always a war. Of course that's what the movies will show you. Middle Earth is not so bad if you exclude war from it. You'll find many species on Middle earth like Ainur (angelic beings), Istari (wizards or wise ones), dwarfs, orcs, trolls as mentioned in the movies, there are much more you will discover after reading the novels. They are also many languages spoken, namely Quenya which are spoken by the elves, Khudzul spoken by the Dwarfs, Westron (English basically) & Black speech which is devised by Sauron for his slaves to speak.

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