Write for us

I'm allowing people to publish their posts on this Blog as long they're well written and own all rights to the content. No copy/paste. Must be yours completely.
To write for us or get your posts published, read below:

How to get your Post published

If you have something that you've wrote and you want it to get attention, you can send it to me and I'll post it on my blog. I'll give you credits and put a link to your social networking sites (if you say so) to increase your audience.

Your content must:
- Make sense.
- Not have a lot of grammatical errors. I'll correct if there are a few.
- Not be 18+
- Be fully yours, no copy/paste.

How to become an Admin of this Blog

If you're a creative writer and can publish at least ONE post per week, you can apply to become admin of this blog.

Contact me for more info.