Top 5 ways to come up with new Blog Post Ideas

If you're running a Blog or any website, you must already know in order to keep your Blog alive you have to post regularly for your viewers and if you don't post regularly, you will end up losing your viewers. There are few bloggers who are filled with ideas but have no time to write and some who are fortunate to have a lot of time, but no ideas. There's a reason why new bloggers are advised to choose a niche which they're passionate about, so they can post regularly which in return will help increase their blog's SEO, bringing more viewers. Here in this article I will be discussing Top 5 ways to come up with new Blog Post Ideas.

#1 - Taking Notes

Did you know that J.K Rowling thought of Harry Potter on a train platform while she waiting for her train to arrive. Just because of that one single moment, Harry Potter came to life. If the train had arrived a little earlier, Harry Potter may not have existed in this world & everyone wouldn't be drooling over Emma Watson today. The point is if you try to force your brain to focus on creating ideas for you, you will fail miserably. Those ideas will come naturally and when they do, you must be prepared to write them down immediately on a notepad or on your phone's drafts so you don't end up forgetting it. Those ideas can come to you anytime, in the bathroom, school, bus etc doesn't matter where, just make sure to note them down for future use.

#2 - Browse the Internet

As they say, Google is your best friend which is indeed true. Say your Blog's niche is about Gaming, just browse the Internet about gaming related articles to see what's trending currently and start Blogging about them. A lot of successful bloggers have stated that their blog posts ideas comes from a lot of reading. Use the internet to your advantage by stalking other blog's articles who've similar Niche as your Blog to develop Blog post ideas. I'm not saying copy them, but use them as inspirations for your next blog posts.

#3 - Use Keyword Research Tools

Keyword Research Tools are very important tools which can help increase your SEO & bring more viewers. Say if you want to write about the new Call of Duty video game, just type in " Call of Duty " and a list of what people search related to that keyword will pop out. E.g: Call of Duty cheats, Call of Duty hacks, Call of Duty top 5 characters Etc. Providing you with many ideas on what to post about related to that keyword.

Recommended Free Keyword Research Tools:
Keyword Tool
Wordstream Keyword Tool

#4 - Create a Contest or Give-Away

In order to get, you have to give. Many popular websites host give away contests which helps increase their viewer ships even more. If you're out of blog post ideas or want to try something new, just host a small contest or a give away, this will increase viewers as well as also help you develop your relationship with your Blog viewers.

#5 - Go Off-Topic

Sometimes it's okay to go Off-topic and post un-related Posts to your Blog's niche but not frequently as search engines will classify your Blog as Multi-Niche and those are bad for SEO unless you're already popular. Say if your Blog is about Fashion, if you get bored & run out of ideas you can simply post a blog post about what's going on with your life or wish them happy holidays etc.

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