Top 10 Movies that made the most money

Over a thousand movies are released every month all around the world but only few make it to the Top. In order to make a lot of money from the movie, you have to invest a lot of money too in order to make sure it's perfect enough to grab the people's attention and make them want to buy it. Here in this article I will be discussing everyone's favorite Top 10 Movies that made the Most Money.

#1 - Avatar

Invested: $237 Million
Earned: $2.788 Billion

How this movie became successful? Although most people prefer to watch movies at the comfort of their own home, this is one of those movies that everyone just had to watch in the cinemas to experience the movie's awesome effects in 3D/4D. Apart from that, the Director behind the movie (James Cameron) has great marketing abilities & spent so much money in promoting the movie as well to make sure every single person in Earth knew about the movie and it sure did work. Also it has a great storyline with a PG-13 rating making it suitable for anyone of any age to watch.

#2 - Titanic

Invested: $200 Million
Earned: $2.187 Billion

Another hit by James Cameron. It remained the highest grossing film of all time until James Cameron's Avatar passed it, which isn't bad news for the director considering it's his movie too. It's impossible to resist yourself from becoming emotional after watching this movie. This movie also paved the way to success for Leonardo DiCaprio. The movie is based on the real life Incident of Titanic sinking, although most parts were exaggerated. If you're a big fan of gooey romantic movies, then you've probably already watched Titanic. If not, you better go see it now.

#3 - Jurassic World

Invested: $150 Million
Earned: $1.581 Billion

Fourth Installment to the Jurassic Park series. How this movie made a lot of money? Dinosaurs! After it's release, it easily made its way ranked 3rd in top 10 lists movies that made the most money and who knows, it might become 1st, only time will tell! Promotion was not much needed for this movie as it's previous movies directed by Steven Spielberg were a massive success which impressed it's audience back then with the movie's impressive effects, making Jurassic World a must watch movie back then. Jurassic World is one of those movies that you have to watch in 3D in order to enjoy it, if you decide to watch it at home on 2D all you will see is dinosaurs chasing people.

#4 - Avengers

Invested: $220 Million
Earned: $1.52 Billion

One of my favorite movie, if it was upto me I would rank this movie as #1 everywhere! It features all our favorite superheroes: Iron Man, Captain America, Black Widow, Captain America, Incredible Hulk, Thor etc. Features a lot of humour and is guy friendly thanks to Scarlett Johansan, so even if you don't like superhero movies you'd still want to watch this just for her sake. All great actors put in one movie. A must watch movie, especially in 3D.

#5 - Fast & Furious 7

Invested: $190 Million
Earned: $1.512 Billion

The main reason for this movie's success was due to the untimely death of Paul Walker which made helped promote the movie all around the world & made people want to watch it. The other half of the movie was filmed with the help of Paul's brother. If it wasn't for Paul's death, in my opinion this movie probably would've never made it to it's list and would've earned the same amount of money as it's previous installments. Not that I'm saying the movie doesn't deserve this much praise. It's a movie that offers humour & emotions, making you filled with tears after completing the movie.

#6 - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

Invested: $200-250 Million
Earned: $1.342 Billion

All Harry Potter movies combined have made more than $11B which makes it the highest grossing movie series in the world. Since we're only discussing about movies and not series, Deathly Hallows Part 2 made the most money from the series & Prisoner of Azkaban was the one to make the least money. The whole series was amazing & a series worth watching. The last part was very serious & emotional, it's continued from Part 1 and left everyone sad as the series end there. In order to understand and like this movie, you've to watch it from the start and it will be worth it, you will also get to experience the actors growing old as you watch the movies in sequence.

#7 - Frozen

Invested: $150 Million
Earned: $1.274 Billion

Although the storyline was boring for me, it did offer some humour & a great plot twist in the end as compared to other Disney's movies. The main reason for Frozen's success was because of it's main song " Let It Go " which went viral in all social networks and also pissed a lot of people off, including me. This is a great movie to watch with kids or family.

#8 - Iron Man 3

Invested: $200 Million
Earned: $1.125 Billion

A most awaited movie sequel to Iron Man 1 and 2 which also became box office hits. The main reason for this movie's success was because of it's Actor. I can't imagine anyone other than Robert Downey Jr playing the character of Iron Man as he fits the role perfectly. Iron Man series is such a movie that will make you fall in love with the Actor & want to watch all his movies. If you're a fan of Robert Downey Jr, make sure to watch his Iron Man movies!

#9 - Transformers Dark of the Moon

Invested: $195 Million
Earned: $1.124 Billion

It was a big disappointment when we found out there won't be Megan Fox in this third installment of Transformers movie who was supposed to pose nude in the beginning of the movie (which would've helped get this movie to #1 I'm pretty sure) instead they decided to use a victoria's secret angel model which was not bad either. If you're a fan of Michael Bay's movies or movies with shitload of explosions or effects, this is the movie for you.

#10 - The Dark Knight Rises

Invested: $230 Million
Earned: $1.084 Billion

One of my favorite Movies. This movie deserved more praise than it got, to be honest. The ending of this movie left the audience with many questions & also a part 4 is expected but less likely to happen according to it's developers. Do I really need to mention why this movie became a hit? Because he's Batman!

