Top 5 Easy Basic 10 Minute Recipes

Here are some facile finger-licking recipes for you to make at your home when you're in a hurry. These easy recipes would help you in your desperate times when you’re at home peeking in the refrigerator for something to eat and there is nothing interesting. Since it only requires basic ingredients that we all often have at home at all times and the recipes provided are quite beneficial if you’re a starter at cooking, this article will really be very helpful for you.


Cheese and sandwiches, both individually are something that we all love and hence why not combine those two to make something more productive and yummy?

How to make: 


  • Firstly, toast just one side of two slices of bread on a pan with medium flame so that its golden brown.

    • Then add a slice of cheddar cheese and toast the other side of bread. (You can use mozzarella cheese or any other as due your preference).

      • Put together the toasted bread slices to make a sandwich and cut in half and enjoy.



      If you’re looking up-to keeping a healthy balanced diet then you’re at the right place. Here’s a recipe for a beautiful salad with various bright colours of the wonderful vegetables used.

      How to make: 

      • Chop up some onions, lettuce, carrots, cucumbers, beetroot, tomatoes accordingly of the amount you want and combine together in a bowl. 

        • Add enough mayonnaise till its the right amount that you prefer. 

          • Mix it and eat.

          1. Add chopped up boiled potatoes , eggs and noodles for a better taste.
          2. If you don’t have mayonnaise available you can use cheese as an alternative.

          3) STRAWBERRY MILKSHAKE (Serves Two)

          Always a healthy and a mouth watering drink to serve especially for kids who dislike drinking milk.

          How to make:

          • You’ll need half a cup of strawberries, half a cup of plain yoghurt and one cup milk.

            • Remove either by hand or by using a knife the green leaves from strawberries and wash them.

              •  Add the yoghurt and milk along with the strawberries in a juicer blender and blend thoroughly till its a smooth and nice texture and then you should get this..
              Looks yummy, doesn't it?
              1. Add strawberry icecream as-well for a much more blessed experience.

              4) CHOCOLATE MOUSSE (Serves Two)

              Beautiful chocolate mousse followed by the richness of pure goodness of chocolate. Heavenly, yes that’s how I like to describe it.

              You’ll need:


              1. 2 cups milk
              2. 2 tablespoon cornflour
              3. Half cup sugar
              4. 3 tablespoon cocoa powder
              5. 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
              6. 2 tablespoon butter

              How to make:


              • Cook milk, cornflour, sugar and cocoa powder together on medium flame. 

              • Cook for 3-5 minutes until the mixture becomes thick. 

              • Close the flame and add vanilla essence and butter and mix quickly.

              • Pour into mousse glasses and put in refrigerator to cool it down.

              Extras: Do garnishing by topping with whipped cream, chocolate sauce and chocolate chips for a much more savoring look.

              5) Egg pasta

              Perfect for spring, eggs and cheese.

              How to make:


              • Boil eggs and pasta individually. 

                • Add them together when boiled and pour any sauce available preferably chilli sauce, soy sauce, vinegar and bbq sauce.

                  • Serve in a bowl.

                  Extras: Add swiss cheese for an exciting flavour.
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